
all about electronic and microcontrollers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lesson nr.20-Sound generation

Hardware setup:

Circuit Diagram:
For those who want to build it on their own breadboard or other platform, here is the electronic scheme built in Eagle Cad, free version:

Here is the C program written for MikroC PRO for PIC 2010 (version v4.15).
'  Lesson nr.20:
'          Sound generation.
'  Done by:
'          Aureliu Raducu Macovei, 2010.
'  Description:
'          In this experiment we will work with sounds.
'          I'll show how to generate and make sound helped by microcontroller 
'          and some buttons.
'          Communication with the buzzer will be performed  at PORT RB3 ( as PWM mode).
'          The Push buttons are connected to PORT RA4 (generates Tone1), RA6
'          (generates Tone2) and RA7(generates melody2). 
'          Of course we need pull-up resistors (4k7 is required).
'  Test configuration:
'    MCU:                        PIC16F628A
'    Test.Board:                 WB-106 Breadboard 2420 dots
'    SW:                         MikroC PRO for PIC 2010 (version v4.15)
'  Configuration Word
'    Oscillator:                 INTOSC:I/O on RA.6, I/O on RA.7
'    Watchdog Timer:             OFF
'    Power up Timer:             Disabled
'    Master Clear Enable:        Enabled
'    Browun Out Detect:          Enabled
'    Low Voltage Program:        Disabled
'    Data EE Read Protect:       Disabled
'    Code Protect:               OFF
void Tone1()
 Sound_Play(5000, 1000);         // Frequency = 659Hz, duration = 250ms

void Tone2() 
 Sound_Play(4000, 1000);         // Frequency = 698Hz, duration = 250ms

void Tone3() 
 Sound_Play(3000, 1000);         // Frequency = 784Hz, duration = 250ms

void Melody1()                  // Make funny melody 1;
 Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
 Tone3(); Tone2(); Tone1();
 Tone1(); Tone3(); Tone2();
 Tone3(); Tone2(); Tone1(); Tone3();
 Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone3();
 Tone3(); Tone1(); Tone2(); Tone2(); Tone1();

void ToneA()                    // Tone A;
 Sound_Play(1618, 50);          // (frequency, duration)

void ToneB()                    // Tone B;
 Sound_Play(1918, 50);          // (frequency, duration)

void ToneC()                    // Tone C;
 Sound_Play(2212, 50);          // (frequency, duration)

void Melody2()                  // Make funny melody 2;
 unsigned short i;
 for (i = 12; i > 0; i--)
  ToneA(); ToneB(); ToneC();

void main() 
 CMCON |=7;                     // Disable comparator
 TRISB = 0xF0;                  // Pins RB7-RB4 are configured as inputs,
                                // RB3 is configured as an output
 Sound_Init(&PORTB, 3);
 Sound_Play(5000,100);          // Start with this song (frequency, duration)

 while (1)                      // infinite loop
  if (Button(&PORTA,4,1,0))     // RB4 generates Tone1
  if (Button(&PORTA,6,1,0))     // RB6 generates Tone2

  if (Button(&PORTA,7,1,0))     // RA7 generates melody 2
   Delay_ms(1500);              // Delay 1,5s
   Delay_ms(1500);              // Delay 1,5s


  1. thanks for your useful posts. Ducu.
    i'm interested in your projects. Can you post a tutorial about led matrix ?

  2. With pleasure. I am happy to see people passionate about electronics.
    Article about LED dot matrix display is completed, I will climb as soon as possible.

  3. Dear friend, your tutorials are very good and informative. Can you please send me a code for peoples counting using two IR for IN and OUT for this microcontroller.


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