The Multi-function Shield (HCARDU0085) designed for Arduino Uno / Leonardo board has a large range of features which makes it ideal for experiments, learning and advanced projects development.
This shield includes a header for attaching an IR reciver (U4-IR-2). The pinout order is not suitable for directly connecting a SFH506-38. However the order is compatible with 1838B Infrared IR receiver (HCSENS0014).
Please always check the schematic before connecting external components.
Circuit diagram
- An LED display module (four-digit, seven-segment)
- Two serial LED display driver ICs(74HC595)
- Four LEDs
- A multi-turn trimpot (10KOhm)
- Three pushbuttons
- A piezo-buzzer
- A port for DS18B20 temperature sensor
- A port for TSOP1838 infrared receiver module
- A APC220 wireless module interface (serial/UART interface)
- A reset button
Pin Layout
- Serial LED display driver (74HC595) - Latch 4, Clock 7, Data 8
- Four LEDs - Pin 10,11,12,13
- Trimpot (10KOhm)-Pin A0
- Three pushbuttons - Pin A1,A2,A3
- Piezo-buzzer - Pin 3 (digital on/off)
- DS18B20/LM35 temperature sensor - Pin A4
- Infrared receiver module (remote control) - Pin 2
- Header for APC220 shield - Gnd, 5V , 0, 1 (rx/tx)
- Reset pushbutton - Gnd
- Free pins header (PWM) - 5, 6, 9, A5
Circuit diagram
Some Pictures:
Code examples from the source