
all about electronic and microcontrollers


Experiments with PIC16F876A:

In this article we will discuss about functions of MAX 7219, created by the Maxim company. This IC (Integrated Circuit) could help as, when we whant to work with digits and LEDs. At the core of this experiment, will be the PIC16F876A.
The distance sensor produced by Sharp is a popular and relatively low cost solution for measuring distance. The sensor can be used also for measuring the rightness or color (in very limited extent) but in this article we will talk only about measuring distances.
In this article we will talk about DS1307, created by the Maxim company. This IC (Integrated Circuit) could help as, when we want to know what time is it. Interesting fact is that we have added a set functions to this clock. At the core of this experiment, will be the PIC16F876A.

Today I will show you how to display the values of RTC DS1307 and DS18B20 on six digits with seven segments driven by MAX7219.
On today article i will show how to set up a I2C communication to manipulate an LCD display.